Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lessons Learned

This week was filled with many lessons - yes even a doctor has to learn the hard way on some things.

Thursday was my second ionic foot bath
2nd Ionic Footbath 01/24/2013
As you can see from the photo, I had a lot more particulate in my water and there was a slight green tint to the water.  A light green tint can indicate a flushing of the immune system, which is great considering all the cold & flu floating around my area.  As you can see from the picture compared from my previous post on foot baths, the more often a patient does the Ionic footbath, the more likely to pull more toxins and feel better.  After this foot bath, my feet felt so soft and as if I was walking on a soft cloud all day.

Now for the BIG lesson of the week.  Sometimes cheat days are not fun!!
Saturday was a cheat day for me and my family and I did not take my own advice which turned out to big mistake.  My advice to my patient is to make a list through the week of whatever food they are craving, as the craving leaves - remove the food from their list.  This helps to narrow down a cheat day to only a few food items you are truly craving so you don't go overboard.......yep that's my advice....now here is what happens when you do not head my advice.

A doughnut from QT with milk.

McDonalds meal.....not a happy meal...a full meal with regular soda.

Small Dairy Queen Blizzard

Olive Garden dinner including bread stick (yes I only ate one - because it tasted too salty), salad, pasta and a small glass of wine.

A few weeks ago, this day would not be a big deal, in fact I was probably still hungry after eating all of the above.  BUT, since I have been eating healthy and having a lot of fresh fruits & veggies in my diet, I was feeling very ill by the time I woke up Sunday morning.  Besides the salad - and if you are one of the few who count french fries as a veggie, which I don't - there was not a fruit or veggie for most of the day.  It took me until last night (Monday) to truly have an appetite back for anything other than some veggies.  Because of my Saturday - ahem blowout - I am up 1.5lbs for the week.  Back to 184.6 this week.  Oh well - live and learn.

If you would have told me that in a matter of 3 weeks my body would have such change in reaction from a diet that was common place - I would never have believed you.  If I can do it you can to.  Come and see me for an initial nutritional evaluation.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

8.8 is Enough....For Now

Health benefits of losing fat
I weighed myself this week and I am currently at 183.1 pounds which is a total loss of 8.8 pounds since I started this journey 3 weeks ago.  Since I began, I am sleeping better, and I do not have as many stomach/digestive pain, I seem to have more energy, my breathing problems have almost gone away completely, and my clothes are even starting to feel a little looser in some areas.  Yay!!

On Monday, I had my second acupuncture treatment, and this time some of the points hurt a little bit but nothing more than a slight ache.  Ironically, the only point that ached last time was on my left side and this time the only points that ached were on my right.  Oh well...whatever the cause it seems to be helping since those points relate to the stomach, which I am having less and less of a problem.

I'm still getting on the treadmill about every other day for about 15-20 minutes each time.  My pace is still slow but as long as I am doing some form of movement, the exercise will at least help keep my metabolism moving.  My overall goal is to be able to stand and walk for hours on vacation with my family without having to spend my time resting and not able to enjoy doing other activities with them.  When the weather is MUCH more warmer than the 12 degrees it is today, I am hoping to do some of my walking at the Kansas City zoo because I am dying to see their new polar bear Berlin.

Losing 8.8 pounds is a great accomplishment but even if it had only been 1 or 2 pounds I would still be excited, because overall I feel I have started taking steps to improve my overall health.  In the next few months, I am looking forward to having even more energy and kissing my asthma & stomach issues goodbye.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Seeing the Red

Every morning, as part of my healthy living, I take 1 oz of a product called NingXia Red.  It is a drink produced by Young Living and it's base is wolfberry puree.  I knew woflberry (Lycium barbarum) is very high on the antioxidant scale and therefore would be helpful with free radicals and oxidative stress within my body as a result of years of wear & tear and unhealthy habits.

But today, I was in the office and reviewing some of the latest articles on health and I came across a very interesting article, published September 2012 in a Chinese ophthalmology journal, about the use of Lycium barbarum (wolfberry) and the retinal cells.  Retinal cells make up tissue of the eye and work with affecting the light source into the eye.  Some of you may have heard of retinal diseases such as: Macular degeneration, Cone-Rod dystrophy (CORD), retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina), hypertensive retinopathy (problems from high blood pressure) or diabetic retinopathy (problems from diabetes).  Many of us know someone who has one of these diseases or at least has factors such as high blood pressure or diabetes that can lead to a retinal disease.  The article I found today came out of Medical University in Beijing, China specifically their ocular (eye) program.  The study used human retinal tissue and exposed it to Lycium barbarum, then measure the response at 24 and 72 hours.  Compared to a control group which was not exposed to any further substance, the Lycium barbarum group saw a very positive difference in proper re-growth and cell stability.  Which means by exposing our cells to wolfberry, we are allowing our eyes grow better nerve cells allowing use to see clearer.

While I knew NingXia Red had healing qualities already with the high antioxidants and natural vitamin content, this study gives me even more of a reason to recommend it to my patients suffering from eye diseases as well as my hypertensive and diabetic patients.

I guess I just wanted to share my excitement about finding an article to back-up an action I was already taking.  If you have any questions or would like to know more about the other ingredients in NingXia Red, contact me.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Soak the feet...Lose the Toxins

The water at the beginning of the Ionic Foot Bath
Today I had my first Ionic Foot bath.  It is a very relaxing, consisting of sitting with my feet in warm water and letting science do all the work!

A little about ionic foot baths and how they work - the facts:
The bottom of the feet have some of the largest pores on the human body.
Gravity is constantly pushing toxins (as well as everything else) towards the ground - feet.
Higher temperatures increase circulation and metabolism of cells - so the feet are emerged in warm water.
Salt in water causes ionization.
An ionizer keeps the water churned causing the chemical reactions (ionization) to continue while energy is applied.

All of the above facts work together to pull toxins from the body. While the patient sits and feels nothing more than a warm bath for their feet.

This is after about 30 minutes
After 30 minutes of leaving my feet sitting in the bath - with nothing but sea salt being added to the water - the above picture is how my water looked.  Everyone's water will appear slightly different based on the type of toxins pulled during the process.  My water is mostly brown suggesting some digestion and liver cleanse.  Digestion and liver cleanse is exactly the areas I am working on at the moment so it made perfect sense.

Ionic Foot Baths Detox are offered at my clinic for $30.  To see what color your water will be Set up an appointment!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Shouldn't I be LOSING weight?!

This morning I stepped on the scales before I had consumed anything or did any activity - well it was 185.6. Which is a weight gain of about 0.5 lb!!!  What the heck?!

I think most people have been on a diet or healthy lifestyle change and had a week(s) were there was no weight loss.  So what the heck happened??

Well - many contributing factors can happen but here are a few:
1) Most important - weight loss should happen about 1-2 lbs per week.  If you are following my blogs, you may know, I lost over 6 lbs in the first week.  By losing so much weight in the first week, I was actually setting myself up for failure because the next week I was likely to gain some weight back or have no weight loss recorded.  Because the body is not able to adapt very quickly to weight loss, a loss of more than 1-2 lbs per week is easily gained back.

2) Calorie count. If your weight is not changing in the way you feel it should, start writing down everything you consume.  This applies to food as well as beverage.  Then use the internet to calculate the amount of calories consumed each day.  The number of calories you should consume each day can differ based on gender, age, activity rate and other medical conditions.  Here is a good reference.

3) Physiological condition.  There can always be a true physiological reason for weight loss and weight gain.  Everything from the endocrine system (hormones & enzymes) to serious illnesses such as cancer.  If you have any questions about unexplained weight loss or weight gain please contact a physician.  Going over a nutritional consult including a thorough history can help explain a weight shift and can even save a life.  If you have experienced a weight shift of over 5 lbs in one week without much of a change in your lifestyle, please seek a physician's advice. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Acupuncture can help you relax?

I think I was asleep in this one.  Check out the needles on my arms!
Today I treated myself to an acupuncture treatment.  For those who are not aware, acupuncture comes from Chinese medicine and involves using very thin needles inserted at specific points to treat a variety of complaints and adjust the body's energy flow.

Some of you may think to yourself "needles do not help me relax!".  Well the needles used in acupuncture are about the size and width of a human hair.  Usually only a lite tap is felt when the needle is inserted and any discomfort associated with the initial insertion is gone in an instant. So, the treatment is usually not painful at all.

Sage, the acupuncturist at my clinic, treats many illnesses and other complaints so I had no idea what to expect out of a treatment today.  She told me today's treatment is one best used on a first treatment because it involves points relating back to all the major organ systems in the body.  Luckily, this treatment and most of her other treatments are accomplished with points located from the neck up, the elbow down and the knee down so the treatment takes place in the comfort of a recliner. Plus, having some relaxing music and low lighting....I was in HEAVEN!!  With this treatment being done in a recliner and without the need to remove clothing, I was able to bring someone with me and the two of us received a treatment at the same time!

As a doctor and a patient, whenever a treatment can also be a treat, I highly recommend its utilization.  If you are thinking about getting help with anything from addictions, allergies, infertility, pain relief or just realigning your overall energy - give acupuncture a chance. Sage's Website.  If you have any questions or concerns contact us - then give acupuncture a try.

My feet getting acupuncture treatment.  Wow, I need some sun!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Relax It's Only Health

Better health does not always have to be a "no pain, no gain" attitude.  Thinking about building better health does not have to be just "rabbit food" and workouts.  Getting healthy can actually be done by pampering yourself.

Need some relaxation that can actually be healthy - I got you covered.

1) Try a nice relaxing warm bath with some essential oils.  A warm bath can increase blood flow as well as relaxing muscles and easing tension.  Essential oils can aid in many, many areas of health concerns.  If you have questions about which oil is best for your health, come and see me.

2) Get some ear de-stress acupuncture.  At my clinic this is done by our acupuncturist while the patient stretches out in a recliner.  It consists of needling a few points in each ear, with a needle that is about the width of a human hair.  By getting the acupuncture and having time to sit and relax the body's meridians are able to open and allow energy to flow properly throughout the body and allowing the patient time to relax during a stressful time.

3) Get a massage.  A massage can be a simple as a hand massage or chair massage all the way up to a full-body-deep-tissue massage.  Massage helps muscles relax as well as stimulate blood flow.  By stimulating blood flow this can create movement of toxins which can be old ingested toxins and even some of those pesky flu-bug symptoms that keep hanging on.

4) Sweat it out in the sauna.  Take a good book or bring along a friend and sit in the heat.  Sweating helps remove toxins through the skin and requires hardly any physical effort on your behalf.  Plus, a sauna sound really great when the HIGH temp today was below freezing.

5) Plan a new menu.  Get some new recipes and try out some new cuisines.  Invite some friends or family and see if they can even guess they are eating healthy.  Luckily, the internet has given us the ability to search millions of healthy recipes online, find a few and try them out. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013


With the blogs I have posted about my own health and lifestyle changes, I have not taken an opportunity to ask all of you if you have specific questions about your health or diet.  Post a comment, send an e-mail: AskDrJC@gmail.com, or make a comment to my Facebook page.

Anything from questions about supplements, your own health, obesity/overweight, amount of sleep, fad and crash diets or any other health questions.  The sky is the limit!!

Please be aware I may use a question I receive in order to answer it for a larger audience.

I'm anxiously awaiting to hear from you!
Dr. Kaleigh Jones-Clark, DC

Friday, January 11, 2013

Ahhh Acne.....Puberty Again!

The newest development in my detox and healthy life style is plain as the nose on my face....in fact my face is covered with it....ACNE!  Those little spot and blemishes I had hoped I would grow out of once I hit adulthood.  However; acne is very common while going through a detox process.

Skin is the largest organ of the body and one of its jobs is to detoxify. Based on the amount of toxins needing to be filtered within the body, one of the options to rid it is to push it up through the levels of the skin.  When this happens #1 don't panic!  Acne during detoxification is normal and should not be taken as a bad sign even though it is not always pleasant.

When going through any phase of the detox water will always be your friend (yep there's that water speech again).  Water helps carry toxins away from cells and let the body dispose of them naturally.  Water can also help keep skin elastic and easily pliable for it to allow toxins out. Showering everyday will help wash off the dead cells as well as keep help keep the skin pH in balance.

Do not pop or squeeze your zits....not only is it disgusting but it will lead to other infections!  If the acne does not subside after about a week or if it progressively getting worse contact a doctor.

So stop picking at it!!  :-)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Get the Group Going!!!

Athletes get cheers from the crowd, singers and actors get groupies but what to healthy lifestyles get......Bueller......Bueller......Bueller.

Living a healthy lifestyle can be very lonely if you do not have a group together making changes.  Some helpful tips.

1. The most obvious: get a group of your friends to make changes with you.  This could include eating healthy meals together, exercising together, or even gentle reminders to stay on the supplements.

2. Make some goals for yourself.  Try to make your goal something you are really looking forward to but something you can live without until you reach your goal.

3. Get your family involved (whether they know it or not).  No I'm not trying to drag anyone into health kicking and screaming - even if it might be good for them - but you could offer to cook some meals, find a gym with a family discount, try to wind down each night so everybody can get a full night's sleep and do some de-stress activities.

4. Plan your "cheat" days to be days out with your friends or family.  By having a "cheat" day, you can eat whatever you want whenever you want and not have to worry about the calorie count or amount of veggies or how many glasses of water....ect.

5. When you start feeling better or losing inches - TALK to your friends and family about it.  Let them know and see how great you feel and that you can live a healthy lifestyle without giving up your "old" lifestyle.

At my house, my spouse, and step-daughter switched over to a healthy lifestyle at the beginning of this year.  We are eating healthier meals, taking supplements and exercising.  Not too much complaining but it has only been a little over a week.  

Want help creating a personal plan for you or for your family - contact me.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Setting yourself up for FAILURE

I urge my patients to make "healthy lifestyle changes" rather than "go on a diet".  Sometimes the difference felt between the two is minimal. When certain foods need to be eliminated or at the very least reduced it can be difficult.

Since I have started my "healthy lifestyle changes", it consisted of giving up soda, chocolate and fast food among others.  So today I had Panera Bread for lunch and Papa John's Pizza for dinner, along with some soda and a chocolate dessert.  It was gooooood!!!

What I tell my patients is to set yourself up for a "cheat" day and on these days it means anything goes.  Eat and drink whatever you want whenever you want in that 24 hours.  Many of us will crave food or drink, which is perfectly normal!  Rather than give into your cravings instantly - plan one day each week to be your "cheat" day. Junk food and fast food have become so convenient that most of us can fulfill instant gratification so much it has taken a toll on our overall health.

In order to develop a healthy lifestyle, planning is the number one requirement.  Planning your groceries, exercise time, glasses of water, times to take supplements and plan your "cheat" days.  A good rule of thumb is to plan your "cheat" day for days when you are going out to eat or for special occasions.  I did not start my healthy changes until January 2nd because I knew January 1st was going to be filled with goodies to celebrate the New Year.  If the office is going to have a party, or you have a birthday or anniversary coming up, or the big project at work is going to finally be presented - give yourself a day off.  Don't worry about the calorie counts, don't worry about the glasses of water or the supplements.  One day a week should not create a negative health backslide.  The only caution I have is you must continue to take on any prescribed medication and consult a doctor if you have questions about the supplements you are taking.

Everybody deserves a little wiggle room - we are only human.  I don't expect to give up all the foods I have enjoyed but have gotten me to bad health, I just expect that I cannot eat them all the time.  If I can do it you can too!

Oh and for anyone keeping track weighed in at 185.1lbs today making my first week loss 6.8lbs!!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Ex word

Most words that start with ex- lead to an ending of something, and are sometimes not always fun.  Well tonight I took part in a usually not very fun ex.....exercise.  AHHHHHHH!!!!

Part of being healthy is doing some form of exercise.  Exercise can be anything from walking, running, biking, swimming, or aerobics.  When the body exercises it awakens the body metabolism and speeds up some of the processes in within the cells.  This can cause the body to use up resources as well as work in nutrients and work out toxins.

When a patient is trying to get healthier, I will always recommend some form of exercise, however; all patients should consult a doctor before beginning an exercise program.  Besides basing exercise plans on the patients individual health needs and concerns the other aspect to always take into account is to make sure the individual is drinking plenty of water. (Yes, I'm going to harp on water again) Without water, a person who exercises can get cramps and light headed.

For all of you out there trying to lose weight: exercise first thing in the morning before you have eaten anything.  By exercising before you ingest anything, the calories you burn will be whatever was stored from when you last ate and not based on the calories you may have just consumed.

My exercise plan is to walk on our treadmill.  Luckily we have a treadmill in our living room and we are able to watch TV or listen to music while we exercise.  Part of beginning an exercises regime and sticking to it, is to not overdue it at the beginning.  I know I am out of shape and I will not be ready to run a marathon tomorrow or next week or even in a couple of months - so start out slow, begin with 10 minutes at a comfortable speed.  Do this every other day for the first week and work yourself up from there.  I'll keep you posted as to more updates but tonight was not bad at all.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Zzzzzzz...........getting enough sleep?!

Still taking the supplements, eating the fruits and veggies - feeling better everyday.  Mostly just a cough left and can breath A LOT easier.  Another step to focus on is sleep!

While I was going through school - studying all night, going to class and seeing patients all day, then taking extra curricular seminars on the weekend...I missed several things in life, but one big one was SLEEP.  You want to see some funny people - go to a college and watch students on the last day of finals, we were so sleep deprived that almost anything instilled an emotion.  We had the laughers, the criers, the stressed out all trying to study the same final.  It was our own little Breakfast Club.  No that I am out of school, and need to be alert for my patients I need to change my sleep pattern.

Sleep patterns can be hard to break - even if it is an insomnia sleep pattern.  For patients needing to change a sleep pattern first try to make a schedule for yourself.  Do activities that usually tire you, such as reading certain books, soaking in a bath or listening to soothing music.  Other helpful hints is to remove caffeine (including chocolate) at least one hour before your desired bedtime.  If you are a person who tosses and turns before finally falling to sleep - then plan on being in bed a good 30 minutes before you need to be asleep.

If patterns continue of an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep come and see me for an initial nutritional appointment. There are many foods, supplements and oils that can help trigger the body to naturally induce tiredness and aid in falling asleep and even staying asleep.  In order to determine the proper care, I like to get a good history and other methods tried.

Harvard Women's study summed up six reasons for sleep below:
  1. Learning and memory: Sleep helps the brain commit new information to memory through a process called memory consolidation. In studies, people who’d slept after learning a task did better on tests later.
  2. Metabolism and weight: Chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite.
  3. Safety: Sleep debt contributes to a greater tendency to fall asleep during the daytime. These lapses may cause falls and mistakes such as medical errors, air traffic mishaps, and road accidents.
  4. Mood: Sleep loss may result in irritability, impatience, inability to concentrate, and moodiness. Too little sleep can also leave you too tired to do the things you like to do.
  5. Cardiovascular health: Serious sleep disorders have been linked to hypertension, increased stress hormone levels, and irregular heartbeat.
  6. Disease: Sleep deprivation alters immune function, including the activity of the body’s killer cells. Keeping up with sleep may also help fight cancer.
Good night everyone.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

C is for Crushing the Common Cold

With the exception of a slight cough my asthma has mostly cleared up. Yay!! I can't say the same for many of my patients and friends who are coming down with the flu. According to the news & the CDC there is a larger and earlier outbreak of the influenza flu this year. Most patients of mine will tell you I am a strong advocate of drinking plenty of water and taking plenty of Vitamin C.

Today, I found yet another study about the positive effects of Vitamin C when it comes to flu-like symptoms. Here is the breakdown from pub med:
Method: Investigators tracked the number of reports of cold and flu symptoms among the 1991 test population of the facility compared with the reports of like symptoms among the 1990 control population. Those in the control population reporting symptoms were treated with pain relievers and decongestants, whereas those in the test population reporting symptoms were treated with hourly doses of 1000 mg of Vitamin C for the first 6 hours and then 3 times daily thereafter. Those not reporting symptoms in the test group were also administered 1000-mg doses 3 times daily.
Results: Overall, reported flu and cold symptoms in the test group decreased 85% compared with the control group after the administration of megadose Vitamin C.
Conclusion: Vitamin C in megadoses administered before or after the appearance of cold and flu symptoms relieved and prevented the symptoms in the test population compared with the control group.

The Ning Xia Red, Longevity soft gels, both contain Vitamin C as well as many of the fruits I'm incorporating into my diet.

If you have any questions about how much vitamin C you should be taking, contact me for a nutritional evaluation.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sweating It....

Breathing is getting better every day but to help my detox along I decided to relax in the far-infrared sauna.  After a full day in the clinic, I grabbed the novel I am desperately trying to find time to finish 11/22/63 by Stephen King, a water, and a towel, and sat for 30 minutes in our far-infrared sauna so I could sweat out some of the toxins.

A far-infrared sauna uses infrared heaters to heat the body not just the air in the sauna.  This allows for an atmosphere which is easier to breath in rather than the steam saunas found in most spas.  By going into the sauna for 30 minutes - 1 hour a sweat will be induced.  Some patients sweat a lot and some only slightly but it is hopefully drawing out some of the toxins which could lie just under the skin.  A good sweat can also help  build a stronger immune system which is a benefit I could use for not only the asthma but also the overall detox.  The final benefit I use the far-infrared (FIR) sauna for is for stress relief, the heat relaxes the muscles which helps relieve overall tension.

Our sauna is big enough to fit 4 adults comfortably and only cost $10 for 30 minutes.  You can even book an   appointment online.  You should try this great relaxation source.  It is even better on cold days!!

The Far-Infrared Sauna with my colorful towel, water and book all ready for me!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Minty Fresh with Fruits & Veggies

Slept better last night but still difficulty at times taking a deep breath.  I continue to take my respiratory pack, Ning Xia Red, Longevity soft gels, Myrtle oil and Peppermint oil.  A note on the peppermint oil - it is suggested to take one drop in 4 oz of a milk or milk substitute - since I am trying to intake more water - I thought I would try one drop of peppermint oil in 4 oz of water....WOW...imagine sucking on 10 highly flavored peppermint candies all at once!!!  It was not painful but oh my....my breath was minty fresh for several hours.  So, in order to tone it down a notch I followed the directions (yes even doctors think they know better than the directions and can be proven wrong) and by putting a drop in organic milk it was minty but not nearly the strength it was in water.

Even with all of my supplements and oils and water....nothing can compare to eating healthy.  Over the past few days I am trying to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet.  It is suggested we should eat at least 5 servings of fruit & veggies every day.  Many patients I see, consider their diet of potatoes and corn to be enough of a veggie serving; however, the true key to a diet containing fruits and veggies is to have a balance of color.  I found a site a few months ago that separates fruits and veggies into colors.  By eating a serving of each color each day, you will be able get your 5 servings without even thinking.  In order to get my fruit and veggie fill I have blueberries with my breakfast, an apple for a mid-afternoon snack, green veggie with dinner, banana, and a late night snack of carrot sticks.  See 5 servings - 5 colors and a multitude of naturally occurring vitamins & minerals.

Fruit & Veggie Color Site
Schedule An Appointment

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Take My Breath Away

By the time I went to bed last night, I had a horrible asthma attack!  I could not take a deep breath and could not breath out without a horrible wheezing sounds.  Usually, I take my inhaler and it knocks out any wheezing or tightness, but last night the inhaler was not working.  Thinking that trying to sleep - causing relaxation might help - was a no go....no sleep because I kept trying to find a position that was more comfortable and easier to breath.  Put some RC (essential oil) on my chest that at least gave me enough breath to sleep for about an hour.  Most of the symptoms went away after I got the office and had a thoracic adjustment.

Luckily, this morning I am starting on my supplements that include Nature's Sunshine Respiratory System.More info on respiratory pack

Luckily my Zyto scan for Nature's Sunshine appeared to be spot on for what I needed.  It has three mixtures of herbs meant to help open up pulmonary function and create a better filter.  The lungs are just one of the organ filters in the body (other main filter organs are the kidneys, liver & skin).  If one or more of the filter organs are functioning improperly it can cause and issue with the other organs since they are having to take on more of a work load.  Hopefully, since I also started taking Ning Xia Red - a highly potent antioxidant, as well this will help calm any future asthma attacks. For more information on Ning Xia Red

Drinking lots and lots and lots of water - hoping to get this detox going.

Want to know what supplements your body needs - set up an appointment for an Initial Nutrition Evaluation.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Starting Gate

When I meet a patient for the first time, my biggest key in determining the proper course of treatment is a thorough history and vitals.  Below you will find my health history, vitals and scans.

Name: Dr. Kaleigh Jones-Clark, DC
Age: 32
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 191.9 lbs
BMI: 31.9 (Obese)
Blood Pressure: 140/94
Pulse: 100 beats per minute
Oxygen: 97%
Temperature: 96.3 F
Bicep Circumference: 13" each
Chest: 41"
Waist Inhale: 38"
Waist Exhale: 41"
Hip: 45.5"
Thigh: 24.5" each

Symptoms Summary
Primary Complaints (in no particular order)
Acne; Asthma; Constipation; Indigestion; Infertility; Irregular Menstrual Cycle;  Obesity.

General Health:
Fingernail base is pink; Fingernails are soft; Drinks less than 8 glasses of water per day; Gained over 20 lbs in the last 12 months; Somewhat Overweight; Energy level is worse than it was 5 years ago; Had childhood vaccines; Family History of: Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Depression, Obesity.

Lifestyle Habits:
Drinks beverages from a can; Drinks alcohol; Drinks caffeinated pop/soda; Drinks diet pop/soda; Drinks 1 or more pop/sodas per day; I had 4 alcoholic drinks in one day: more than 3 months ago; Craves sugar/starches; Rarely exercises.

No major surgeries.

6 or more bowel movements per week; Pale or yellow colored stool; Constipation; Abdominal gas; Bloated after eating; Indigestion within 1 hour after meals; Eating relieves fatigue; Eats when nervous; Excessive hunger; Feels shaky when hungry; Frequently drowsy after eating a meal.

Difficulty breathing; Wheezes.

Mouth and Throat:
Sore gums; Gums bleed when brushing teeth; Amalgam dental fillings.

Excessive thirst; Frequently feels cold.

Experiences shortness of breath while sitting still; Heart skips beats; Heart palpitations.

Has acne; Has moles which are changing in size and/or color; Skin eruptions.

No major problems with Ears

Eyes watery.

No major problems with Feet

Pain between the shoulders.

Behavior Patterns:
Upset by criticism; Strange people or places cause fear; under considerable emotional stress.

No major Urinary concerns

Heavy hair growth on face or body; Abnormal cycle >29 days and/or <26 days; PMS; Menstrual cramps; Painful periods; Acne worse at menstruation; Has taken birth control medications with the last year.

Taking no medications/vitamins or supplements currently.

Allergies: Cranberries, Cilantro, Acetaminophen.

Zyto Scans
Young Living - youngliving.com
36 Biomarkers out of Range
Peppermint - Brought 5 biomarkers into range
Myrtle - Brought 14 biomarkers into range
Longevity Softgels - Brought 5 biomarkers into range
Peace and Calming - Brought 4 biomarkers into range
Progessence Plus Serum - Brought 3 biomarkers into range
Ortho Sport Massage Oil - Brought 2 biomarkers into range
Palmarosa - Brought 2 biomarkers into range
Melaleuca (Alternifolia) - Brought 1 biomarker into range

Nature's Sunshine - naturessunshine.com
47 Biomarkers out of Range
Respiratory System Pack - Brought 26 biomarkers into range
Energ-V - Brought 13 biomarkers into range
Capsicum & Garlic with Parsley - Brought 4 biomarkers into range
Fenugreek & Thyme - Brought 1 biomarker into range
CC-A - Brought 1 biomarker into range
Kelp - Brought 1 biomarker into range
Getting Scanned
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Atlas Holistic Health


Doctors make the worst patients, or so the saying goes and in my case it is absolutely correct.  Since starting chiropractic college, a little over 4 years ago, my health has declined and my waistline has expanded.  After graduating in April 2012 with my doctorate and opening a business in Lee's Summit, MO, I have chosen to take the time to focus on my own health.

Since the New Year is usually a time for resolutions, I have taken this opportunity to make some new resolutions for myself including keeping this blog so my patients, colleges, family & friends can experience my triumphs, trials and tribulations associated with getting healthier.  I promise to try to be honest in sharing my journey even though some entries could cause laughter or embarrassment at my expense. What I hope you will get out of this journey is some one to relate to, ask questions, make comments and gain some understanding of my philosophies about health and wellness.