The newest development in my detox and healthy life style is plain as the nose on my fact my face is covered with it....ACNE! Those little spot and blemishes I had hoped I would grow out of once I hit adulthood. However; acne is very common while going through a detox process.
Skin is the largest organ of the body and one of its jobs is to detoxify. Based on the amount of toxins needing to be filtered within the body, one of the options to rid it is to push it up through the levels of the skin. When this happens #1 don't panic! Acne during detoxification is normal and should not be taken as a bad sign even though it is not always pleasant.
When going through any phase of the detox water will always be your friend (yep there's that water speech again). Water helps carry toxins away from cells and let the body dispose of them naturally. Water can also help keep skin elastic and easily pliable for it to allow toxins out. Showering everyday will help wash off the dead cells as well as keep help keep the skin pH in balance.
Do not pop or squeeze your zits....not only is it disgusting but it will lead to other infections! If the acne does not subside after about a week or if it progressively getting worse contact a doctor.
So stop picking at it!! :-)
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