Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Starting Gate

When I meet a patient for the first time, my biggest key in determining the proper course of treatment is a thorough history and vitals.  Below you will find my health history, vitals and scans.

Name: Dr. Kaleigh Jones-Clark, DC
Age: 32
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 191.9 lbs
BMI: 31.9 (Obese)
Blood Pressure: 140/94
Pulse: 100 beats per minute
Oxygen: 97%
Temperature: 96.3 F
Bicep Circumference: 13" each
Chest: 41"
Waist Inhale: 38"
Waist Exhale: 41"
Hip: 45.5"
Thigh: 24.5" each

Symptoms Summary
Primary Complaints (in no particular order)
Acne; Asthma; Constipation; Indigestion; Infertility; Irregular Menstrual Cycle;  Obesity.

General Health:
Fingernail base is pink; Fingernails are soft; Drinks less than 8 glasses of water per day; Gained over 20 lbs in the last 12 months; Somewhat Overweight; Energy level is worse than it was 5 years ago; Had childhood vaccines; Family History of: Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Depression, Obesity.

Lifestyle Habits:
Drinks beverages from a can; Drinks alcohol; Drinks caffeinated pop/soda; Drinks diet pop/soda; Drinks 1 or more pop/sodas per day; I had 4 alcoholic drinks in one day: more than 3 months ago; Craves sugar/starches; Rarely exercises.

No major surgeries.

6 or more bowel movements per week; Pale or yellow colored stool; Constipation; Abdominal gas; Bloated after eating; Indigestion within 1 hour after meals; Eating relieves fatigue; Eats when nervous; Excessive hunger; Feels shaky when hungry; Frequently drowsy after eating a meal.

Difficulty breathing; Wheezes.

Mouth and Throat:
Sore gums; Gums bleed when brushing teeth; Amalgam dental fillings.

Excessive thirst; Frequently feels cold.

Experiences shortness of breath while sitting still; Heart skips beats; Heart palpitations.

Has acne; Has moles which are changing in size and/or color; Skin eruptions.

No major problems with Ears

Eyes watery.

No major problems with Feet

Pain between the shoulders.

Behavior Patterns:
Upset by criticism; Strange people or places cause fear; under considerable emotional stress.

No major Urinary concerns

Heavy hair growth on face or body; Abnormal cycle >29 days and/or <26 days; PMS; Menstrual cramps; Painful periods; Acne worse at menstruation; Has taken birth control medications with the last year.

Taking no medications/vitamins or supplements currently.

Allergies: Cranberries, Cilantro, Acetaminophen.

Zyto Scans
Young Living - youngliving.com
36 Biomarkers out of Range
Peppermint - Brought 5 biomarkers into range
Myrtle - Brought 14 biomarkers into range
Longevity Softgels - Brought 5 biomarkers into range
Peace and Calming - Brought 4 biomarkers into range
Progessence Plus Serum - Brought 3 biomarkers into range
Ortho Sport Massage Oil - Brought 2 biomarkers into range
Palmarosa - Brought 2 biomarkers into range
Melaleuca (Alternifolia) - Brought 1 biomarker into range

Nature's Sunshine - naturessunshine.com
47 Biomarkers out of Range
Respiratory System Pack - Brought 26 biomarkers into range
Energ-V - Brought 13 biomarkers into range
Capsicum & Garlic with Parsley - Brought 4 biomarkers into range
Fenugreek & Thyme - Brought 1 biomarker into range
CC-A - Brought 1 biomarker into range
Kelp - Brought 1 biomarker into range
Getting Scanned
To make an appointment hit Schedule Now:
Atlas Holistic Health

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