Thursday, January 17, 2013

Soak the feet...Lose the Toxins

The water at the beginning of the Ionic Foot Bath
Today I had my first Ionic Foot bath.  It is a very relaxing, consisting of sitting with my feet in warm water and letting science do all the work!

A little about ionic foot baths and how they work - the facts:
The bottom of the feet have some of the largest pores on the human body.
Gravity is constantly pushing toxins (as well as everything else) towards the ground - feet.
Higher temperatures increase circulation and metabolism of cells - so the feet are emerged in warm water.
Salt in water causes ionization.
An ionizer keeps the water churned causing the chemical reactions (ionization) to continue while energy is applied.

All of the above facts work together to pull toxins from the body. While the patient sits and feels nothing more than a warm bath for their feet.

This is after about 30 minutes
After 30 minutes of leaving my feet sitting in the bath - with nothing but sea salt being added to the water - the above picture is how my water looked.  Everyone's water will appear slightly different based on the type of toxins pulled during the process.  My water is mostly brown suggesting some digestion and liver cleanse.  Digestion and liver cleanse is exactly the areas I am working on at the moment so it made perfect sense.

Ionic Foot Baths Detox are offered at my clinic for $30.  To see what color your water will be Set up an appointment!

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